Miscellaneous Achievements
My Friend (15 AP)
Register on GitHub
Best Friend (15 AP)
Select your best duck friend
Ego Boost (15 AP)
Take your first AP Heroic
Mic Drop (10 AP)
Provide outstanding documentation
One-hundred and ten (20 AP)
Complete extra credit on an Legendary and earn full points for it
Learning to Fly (15 AP)
Take your first full AP practice
Promise (5 AP)
Sit for the AP Quest in May
It Evolves? (150 AP)
Correctly every onyx tier problem in raid quests
Designing Our Own (20 AP)
Finish the Class Creation Unit
Take A Look (15 AP)
Learn how to Read and Write into text-files
Ever Changing (40 AP)
Finish the Inheritance and Polymorphism Units
Squaring Up (20 AP)
Finish the Arrays Unit
Run That Back (20 AP)
Finish the Recursion Unit
Fundamentally Sound (20 AP)
Finish the Fundamentals Unit
Object Master (275 AP)
Earn every achievement for the course
Quest Achievements
Patience (20 AP)
Complete My First Push and My New Additions
Hula Hooping (10 AP)
Complete the Looping Logs or Magical Numbers Quest
Storm the Castle (45 AP)
Complete Raiding Part I and II
Building Block (10 AP)
Complete My Shape Best Shape
All The Shapes (20 AP)
Complete the My Shape Best Shape and My New Best Shape Quests
That Wasn't So Bad (50 AP)
Complete the first Legendary Quest
Squaring Brackets (10 AP)
Complete Arraying About
Master of Disguise (10 AP)
Complete My New Best Shape on Time
A Comedy of Errors (10 AP)
Complete My Great Exceptions
The Starting Lineup Is (50 AP)
Submit your starting lineup to league by completing the My Winning Team Quest
Score Achievements
No Need to Audit
Earn and A on an AP Mythic
What to Watch (25 AP)
Complete Streaming Decisions or Wonderland Streaming with a B or higher
Making Some Purchases (25 AP)
Complete Wonderland Records or Suncoast Video or Crunchy Mouthful with a B or higher
Rock or Color (30 AP)
Correctly complete an oynx tier problem and earn over 100% on a raiding quest
24 Karot Tier (20 AP)
Complete two Gold Tier problems and earn over 100% on a raiding quest
Pit Stop (20 AP)
Complete the High Up Stall or Crunchy Mouthful or Wonderland Records or Suncoast Video quest with an A
Open for Business (75 AP)
Complete the first Legendary Quest with a B or higher, before extra credit
I See the Word (30 AP)
Complete the scrambling down quest with a B or higher
Use it in a Sentence (75 AP)
Complete the second Legendary Quest with a B or higher, before extra credit
Precious Demi-Guy (50 AP)
Complete You’re Welcome or a Ring to Rule or I See You, I Hear You with a B or higher
A Winning Line (50 AP)
Complete My Winning Team with a B or higher
Call it an Adventure (100 AP)
Complete every Raiding Quest with an A before extra credit
A Never Ending Call (20 AP)
Complete the Recursion Raiding Quest with an A
Using the Pointy End (90 AP)
Earn a B or higher on an AP practice
Secret Achievement (-- AP)
Keep working to unlock this achievement