Patch Notes

Patch Notes 421CBAF

Prestige System
  • Adjusted points required for each level
  • Increase reward bonuses for certain level hits
  • Removed non important reward bonuses
  • Increased bonuses for prestige tiers
    • Level 1
      • increased to 6 mystery boxes for 3 weeks up from 3
      • added 3 boosted boxes
      • added 2 legendary boxes
      • removed solo vanish
      • removed 2 solo point boosters
    • Level 2
      • added 6 boosted boxes
  • General bug fixes

Patch Notes CC3170AD

  • Added limits to all items
  • Updated prices
  • Removed extend o matic class
    • added to mystery box
  • Updated new accounts
  • General bug fixes

Patch Notes DC420F

Mystery Box
  • Added Mystery Box to potential roll items
Pack a Punch
  • Updated roll ability numbers
  • Added Black Hole to items to be punched
    • Successful provides all items stolen by the Black Hole

Hotfix BD69C17

  • Effect changes
    • Pack a punch: if failed only lose the item
      • changed from pack a punch and the item
    • Anit Bear: Mystery Box price reset to 225
      • changed from reset to 250

  • Level 1: added ability to resell Mystery Box exclusives immediately upon prestige.  Level 15 ability reduced to Level 10.  Level 17 ability reduced to Level 15.
  • Level 2: added ability to resell everything immediately.

Patch Notes 17A571

  • General Bug Fixes
Mystery Box
  • The box will only roll Anti Bear or Teddy Bear depending on a random event
    • This will generate a new event every week
  • Adjusted probabilities of items
Pack a Punch
  • Adjusted roll numbers based on points
  • Added benefits for higher prestige
Website Specifics
  • Loaded in all common achievements
    • 2 new secret achievements added
    • 7 new achievements added
      • Half Air, Half Listening, What are the Odds?, Alternate Route, Are You Impressed?, A Dynasty?, Back To Back
    • Adjusted point values for some achievements
  • Made purchase of “Hidden Item” on all accounts
    • Order will show your hidden items and will get updated accordingly
  • Adjusted leaderboard colors
  • Separated Prestige and Level on leaderboard
  • Level on leaderboard will auto update based on points
Level Abilities
  • Adjust Level 15 ability
    • Can now lower the price of the mystery box by 125 AP (changed from 50 AP)
      • price impacts everybody
      • price cannot drop below 100 AP

Hotfix AF59C1

  • Effect changes
    • Ditto: only makes one duplicate
      • changed from two duplicates
    • Ditto: Must be pack a punched to work on Mystery Box exclusive items
      • changed from working on anything

Pack a Punch
  • Ditto (boosted): allows two duplicated get made and works on mystery box exclusives
    • changed from 3 duplicates
  • Ditto (legendary): allows two duplicates of legendary item to be made
    • changed from 1 duplicate

Hotfix DA72F

Mystery Box
  • Added new items
    • Swapper: randomly swap points available to spend with somebody of the leaderboard
      • changed from all points
    • Anti Bear: Max price mystery box can go to is 775 at that time the mystery box will reset to 250

Patch Notes BFF53C

  • General Bug Fixes
Mystery Box
  • Added new items
    • Lock Bear: locks the price of the mystery box for 24 hours
    • Anti Bear: increases the price of the mystery box by 50 AP to a maximum of 500 AP
    • Swapper: randomly swap points with somebody of the leaderboard
    • Black Hole: Lose either points, mystery boxes, or an item
  • Added background color to different box roles
    • Legendary is orange
    • Rare is purple
    • Uncommon is green
    • Common is white
  • Adjusted probabilities of items
Pack a Punch
  • Added Mystery Box
    • normal upgrade allows you to keep the first roll of the box
    • legendary upgrade allows you to roll a legendary only box and keep the first roll on that box
  • Added Pack a Punch
    • normal upgrade lower the required roll for any upgrade by 5-10 (roll dependent)
    • legendary upgrade allows the box to be a guarantee for a single item punch
Website Specifics
  • Create user accounts for each person
  • Added wallet feature with points available to spend loaded
  • Updated website to have a fully featured cart purchasing system
  • Added Mystery Box Items table with box occurrence
  • Add prestige level 3
  • Added prestige level 4 (incomplete)