Prestige System

Prestige Level 1

  • 6 Mystery Boxes per week for 3 weeks
  • 3 Mystery Box (boosted)
  • 2 Mystery Box (legendary)
  • Ability to resell Mystery Box exclusives immediately

Prestige Level 2

  • AP Multiplier 1.3 for 3 weeks
  • 12 Mystery Boxes
  • 6 Mystery Box (boosted)
  • 1 Leveler
  • 1 Pack a Punch
  • Ability to resell any item immediately

Prestige Level 3

  • 2 Pack a Punch (boosted)
  • 1 Leveler (punched)
  • 1 Tipping Point (punched)
  • 1 Flash Sale!

Prestige Level 4

  • Mystery Boxes perma boosted (non legendary)